Pro Vitality
- The Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, American Heart Association, National Cancer Institute, American Diabetes Association all agree that getting active and eating a diet filled with whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish as recommended in the Food Guide Pyramid are the essential keys to increased vitality, preventing chronic diseases as well as promoting vibrant health and greater energy.
- What’s wrong with this picture?
- Unfortunately, most of us have turned the Food Guide Pyramid’s eating recommendations upside down:
- We eat more fats, oils and sweets than vegetables.
- We barely eat one fruit a day.
- We eat less than one serving of whole grains a day.
- We eat less than one serving of fish a week.
- We don’t exercise enough or cook healthy, well-balanced meals.
- The story of today’s nutrition.
- To make matters worse, not only are we not picking the right foods, often the foods we choose have the nutrients processed right out of them in the name of convenience. Add in nutrient loss from depleted soil as well as transporting, storing and cooking of food, and there’s only one conclusion—there’s a hole in your diet. And that means there’s a potential hole in your lifelong health and vitality as well.
- Go from “hole” nutrition to whole nutrition.
- The three scientifically proven supplements in NeoLife’s Pro Vitality use only the finest natural whole food nutrients from human food chain sources. That means our lutein comes from spinach not marigolds and our beta carotene from carrots not algae. Pre-packaged for your convenience, each pack provides the complete nutritional protection that’s often missing from our everyday diets.
- Based in nature, backed by science.
- These real-food nutrients are delivered in highly bio-efficient forms in exclusive clinically proven formulas that maximize nutrient absorption, utilization and benefits by using the most advanced scientific methods and proprietary processes.*
- 100% guaranteed.
- All our products are backed by more than 50 years of unwavering quality, high safety standards and clinically proven effectiveness. With our 100% money-back, no-questions-asked guarantee, you have nothing to lose—and a lifetime of health and vitality to gain.
Putting the balance back into your balanced diet.
With Pro Vitality, you can put the balance back into your diet, your health and your lifelong vitality. Each convenient packet supports:
- Abundant Energy
- Powerful antioxidant protection
- Lifelong heart health
- Optimum immune strength
- Healthy brain function
- Flexible, healthy joints
- Clear vision
- Youthful skin, hair and nails
- Lifelong cellular health
Good nutrition—and good health—begin at the cellular level.
The three supplements in Pro Vitality support optimal cellular health in three essential ways:
Tre-en-en® Grain Concentrates
- Feed your cells—energize your life.
- If we are what we eat, a crucial part of us is missing. As part of food processing, essential nutrients called lipids and sterols have been stripped from our food supply. Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates is the world’s first and only whole grain lipids and sterols supplement that feeds the cells for a proven increase in energy and vitality. It optimizes cellular membrane function, making it easier for high-energy nutrients to get in and waste to get out. When your cells are well fed, you’ll feel better, be healthier and have more get up and go.
Carotenoid Complex
- Protect your cells—optimize your immunity.
- Once again, it’s Mother Nature to the rescue. Using the same phytonutrients that fruits and vegetables produce for their own protection, Carotenoid Complex is clinically proven by USDA researchers to protect your heart, defend your cells and boost your immune power.* Carotenoid Complex provides the power of 15 different carotenoids from whole foods such as carrots, red bell peppers, tomatoes, spinach, apricots, strawberries and peaches. Human clinical tests prove that its patented formula is completely bioavailable, ensuring it’s easily and efficiently absorbed for maximum cell protection.
Omega-III Salmon Oil Plus
- Balance and regulate your cells—maximize your good health.
- While an apple a day might keep the doctor away, it’s more fish oil in your diet that will keep the cardiologist away. That’s because fish oils or omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Omega-III Salmon Oil Plus is the world’s first complete fish oil supplement with guaranteed potency of all eight omega-3s from fish. It’s clinically proven to support heart and cardiovascular health while also promoting flexible joints and youthful brain function. Worried about unsafe contaminants like mercury and lead? Our fish oil sources are screened for more than 200 potential contaminants with an allowable detection limit of zero!
Whole food nutrition has never been so convenient…
With the convenience of Pro Vitality on-the-go packets, good nutrition can be habit forming. Studies show that to make an action an ongoing habit, it takes two weeks of daily repetition. You already know the importance of good daily nutrition, but sometimes it’s hard to start a new program. That’s why we created Pro Vitality with convenient, easy-to-carry individual packets that make good nutrition a simple, easy-to-follow daily action. Why not try it every day for two weeks and make good health a lifelong habit?
Convenient. Easy. Essential.
- Keep a Pack on your kitchen counter so your whole family can reach for healthy nutrition at every meal.
- Toss a pack in your purse or briefcase for whole food nutrition on-the-go.
- Pack some packets with you when you travel to maintain good nutrition throughout your trip.
- Bring a pack to work to keep at your desk so good nutrition is always at hand.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Powerful nutrients that support:
- Powerful Antioxidant Protection.
- Heart Health.
- Immune Strength.
- Healthy Brain Function.
- Flexible, Healthy Joints.
- Clear Vision.
- Youthful Skin, Hair & Nails.
- Lifelong Cellular Health.
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