NeoLife Impact Summit 2023 Reflections

NeoLife Impact Summit 2023

NeoLife Impact Summit 2023

In October of 2023, the annual NeoLife Impact Summit took place at The Sun Arena in Pretoria, South Africa. The newly named Impact Summit promised to be an event to remember and it definitely did deliver on that promise. Here are some highlights from the YourDay2Day Team, showcasing why you should come to this years Impact Summit and experience this wonderful event for yourself on the 19th of October 2024!

This year Veronica and Larry were awarded with the opportunity to attend the Night at the Oscars themed evening, where all of the guests given this prize were welcomed into the venue on a red carpet. At this event Veronica and Larry enjoyed their first experience in a 360 degree Video Booth, followed by an breathtaking dance performed by the luminous dancers that had many guests in awe of its beauty. NeoLife went above and beyond with the festivities, even including a 5-star Oscars themed dinner at the top floor of The Sun Arena in Pretoria as a prize in recognition for the amount of positive work done throughout the year for NeoLife.


At the Summit Event on Saturday, as a result of a years worth of awesome achievements Veronica Tooke was Awarded with three certificates in recognition for her work with NeoLife. Veronica was award 2nd for Personal Production and 2nd for personal sponsoring a truly incredible feat. Veronicas final award was a 10th for team production, this means that Veronicas team, YourDay2Day had the 10th highest product turnover out of the whole of Southern Africa showcasing Veronica's, Larry's and YourDay2Days commitment to exceptional work.

On the Saturday the Guest Speaker for The Summit 2023 was Robin Banks, a speaker that everyone was looking forward to hearing from. Robin Banks is a world renown guest speaker and one of the worlds leading voices in personal mind power and mastery. Robin Banks is a highly sought after speaker making his guest appearance truly an interesting and thought provoking opportunity to take part of.

Veronica and Larry, were awarded the prize of meeting the scientist behind some of the products for NeoLife. The award was given for all of the marvelous work that Veronica and Larry did during the 2023 year.

Now you must be wondering how you can prepare for The Impact Summit 2024, so that you don't miss out on this years amazing event as each Summit is the Highlight of the NeoLife year. This year The Impact Summit will be taking Place on the 19th October at The Sun Arena, in Pretoria South Africa. If you would like more information or to book for this years NeoLife Impact Summit Click Here!

If you would like to see for yourself how  incredible the event is before making a final decision, why don't you take a look at the Summit 2023 Highlights Video Here!


If you would like to view The NeoLife Conventions 2022 Highlight Video Click Here!

The NeoLife Impact Summit 2024, will be an amazing event and a highlight in all attendees years, if you need help with preparing for NeoLife Impact Summit 2024 or other NeoLife Distributor-related questions? Don't hesitate to contact Veronica here.



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January 29, 2024 at 5:13 pm
What a company,I love every summit of the year,looking forward to be there one day💫
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